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Waldorf doll

So I finally got my newest batch of Waldorf inspired dolls listed in my Etsy store. I had so much fun dying yarn for these, and making the them bright and colorful. I finally perfected my pattern and my dress patterns. This venture has been so fun so far.

 I have designed a vintage dress and apron pattern.
 A more modern dress.
 Tried some embroidery.

 I even did some Valentine colors.
 I experimented with ears! I perfected how I want my dolls feet to be after 7 tries.

All of this was so fun. I hand dyed the yarn with food coloring, and with Jacquard acid dyes. Both worked very nicely. Though I think I prefer the food coloring. It is easier.

I also made some custom's in January.

I have had so much fun doing all of this. Each doll is so wonderful to make. I have decided to start working on my patterns a bit more so I can put them in my Etsy store as well. So keep checking back, because I plan on making things a lot more fun around here!


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