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Do it yourself Boys T-shirt with base ball style arms.

Do it yourself boys T-shirt ! Adorable baby not included!

So you want to make a boys t-shirt? I did. Isn't it cute? This shirt is great because it is made from a cotton knit. It has a wide neck so it is easy to slip over my big guys head without yanking. No difficult buttons to attach. Plus it is that cute baseball style shirt. We need more little boy tutorials out there don't we? I sure think so. 

I used my over lock machine to stitch this shirt. If you don’t have one use a zigzag or stretch stitch on your machine. I would use that same stitch on the very edges to re-enforce. Also use a knit needle. Its makes a big difference!
So first grab a long sleeve T-shirt and fold it in half. Fold the arm underneath. Because this isn't a typical arm, fold it up to the neck line. Eliminating the shoulder.
Okay next you want to lay that shirt onto your folded piece of knit fabric you're making the shirt out of. Make sure the center of the shirt is right on the fold so it is one solid front piece. 
Then cut along the edge, up the side, sleeve area and neck. Just cut the higher neck line with this piece. Make sure to leave a little room for seams.

Now take the piece you just cut, and cut out another. But on the second cut the neck
line about an inch lower.

Now you need to cut out the arms. Its a pretty basic shape as you can see. The fold of the fabric is at the top. Instead of the usual curved arm hole, it will be a straight line from the bottom of the arm hole up to the neck line. Then snip the corner at the top just a little. Like half an inch.
After you have cut out the arms, you will need 2 obviously :P, then you will start sewing them onto the shirt piece. Start with on and open it up. Place the rides side together. Pin if you need to. Then sew. ( Don't forget to remove pins as you go so you don't sew over them!)
Then you will sew a sleeve to the other side the same way. Should look like this when you're done. 
Now you need to sew the other part of the shirt onto the sleeves just like you did before.
Turned right side out it should look like this.

 Now you want to put right side together. ( Should be looking more like a shirt now) Then you sew the side seams all the way up and back down the arm. Just like in the picture. One long seam. Easy.

Now for the neck band. . Cut a long strip,enough to go around the neck with a little to spare. About 2 inches thick, you can measure if you want, I play by ear. Then fold in half length wise.
Now you turn your shirt right side out and find the center of the back side. Start pinning your neck piece to it. Raw edges together.
If your shoulder pieces are higher just let the corners stick up and pin it even. You can cut that off if needed. 
When you get all the way around, your going to fold the end over and then over lap the ends. Then re pin that part. Does that make sense? I tried to show it in the pictures. 


After you have done that, sew all the way around, then sew that piece of the neck band together.
Now all you have left is to hem your sleeves and the bottom 

And your you little boys T-shirt is complete. Tune in later, I decided to matching P.j. pants to go with this shirt. Ill show how I did that too!

Also please comment and let me know what tutorials you would like to see for boy stuff...I have four and they love when I make things for them <3


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