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I have been trying for about two months to make cloth diapers for my youngest son Luke.  I drafted my own pattern, that works great, but needed a little tweaking. So i used a pattern that wham supply sent me and combined it with mine. the differences between the two were so little it was comical to me.
I think all pocket diaper patterns are basically the same though, differences take place in the tabs and elastic and such. and your pocket opening. I would love to post a tutorial on how I did it to share, but it will have to wait till later this week. for now just pictures of my finished pocket diapers. SO thrilled to finally have done it. And I have to say that i am so thankful that there are so many blogs and tutorials and info out there. and supply store for this. I am becoming a bit obsessed with these things.
my original is the one with the extra snaps. I didn't like the tabs though and  thought the sizing could be a little better. I bought my material from wazoodle. next time i think I'm going to try some other companies, to see how the compare. so what do you think?
And does anyone else make their own cloth diapers? do you try to draft your own pattern or use someone Else's. I looked at what I liked best in other diapers and what I liked or didn't about the others I made and then went from there. I really don't like flannel, it gets scratchy after washing. But the velour rocks my world with its softness and pretty colors. anyway..more on this later. Thanks for reading.


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