I was asked at a birthday party for my nephew how I keep my sanity. My children are young. They are playful, smart, loving, funny, destructive, prideful and full of energy. They are just as kids should be. To the world it seems I have too many. I go to Starbucks and hear things like "you need that coffee with all those kids don't you? I know I would" Or "you must be tired with all those kids" I go grocery shopping and hear things like " Are they all yours? you're done now right?" With stares and nasty looks. My kids could be on their best and sweetest behavior and I still hear this everywhere I go. People ask how I do it, or say it would make them crazy. I have 1 lovely girl, and 4 handsome boys. I hear comments like " you need more girls" people even go as far as saying to my kids, "your mom needs more girls." I am fed up. So here is my answer to everyone... God the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, The God ...
My small space in the big world where I blog about God, family, homeschooling, farming, crafting and of course my doll making. Come join me for the fun! You can find my dolls and other things in my shops on etsy under Sprightlydoll. Check it out!