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Showing posts from August, 2013

Comments about my kids.

    I was asked at a birthday party for my nephew how I keep my sanity. My children are young. They are playful, smart, loving, funny, destructive, prideful and full of energy. They are just as kids should be. To the world it seems I have too many. I go to Starbucks and hear things like "you need that coffee with all those kids don't you? I know I would" Or "you must be tired with all those kids" I go grocery shopping and hear things like " Are they all yours? you're done now right?" With stares and nasty looks. My kids could be on their best and sweetest behavior and I still hear this everywhere I go. People ask how I do it, or say it would make them crazy.     I have 1 lovely girl, and 4 handsome boys. I hear comments like " you need more girls" people even go as far as saying to my kids, "your mom needs more girls."      I am fed up. So here is my answer to everyone... God the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, The God ...

Felt Flash cards

Alphabet Flash cards     I decided to make a flash card matching game.  My little guys are 6,4,3, and 6 months. So it is perfect, plus they are a lot more durable then those paper flash cards and match games. Since I know the baby will end up trying to eat a few! hahaha So here is how we play, its just the same old basic games first lay the fabric cards face down.  Big A little a That is right, find the little letter that matches the big letter. Easy right. Then we play beginning sounds.A is for apple. Or B is for bee...   This is how I made them.    Step one is to gather your felt or whatever fabric your going to use. I used felt because it is cheap and thick, it kind of holds it shape. It is also super easy to work with.    Step two is to cut out your squares.               You will need two squares per card. Step three is to cut out your ...

I made dolls!

Doll making! I started making dolls. I had no idea they were so much fun. I made this pretty in polka dots one with my own pattern ...   I had made it for my cousins daughter. She loves it. Because little girls love dolls! God made them that way. :) So then I made another for my niece, but I don't have a picture of that one. :( Then this past week I made these two lovelies with a pattern I purchased on Etsy. I am now working on a new pattern of my own, making the head like the Waldorf dolls. Those are flipping cute. :P anyway I just wanted to share, and when I get my pattern how I want it, I'll share it with you. Have a great day and God bless ~Abby